Skin Care

What is EpiGenetics?

27 May 2019

We all know genetics are the blueprint for how we look. But what if we could influence our genes to combat skin concerns such as ageing, pigmentation and sun damage?

In comes EpiGenetics!

The study involves looking beyond our DNA to understand we can switch certain genetic factors on and off. This takes the guesswork out of skin care, allowing a better understanding than ever previously possible.


So what does this mean for your skin care and treatments?


It is first important to have a skin consultation in which genetic factors are a focus. Here at MALC, our complimentary skin analysis involve two main components. Firstly, we encourage an open conversation about the history of your skin, your current concerns, skincare regime and your skin goals. This includes factors such as your cultural background and any potential hereditary skin concerns.


We then use the OBSERV Skin Diagnostic Device to take images of your skin below the surface- from pigmentation and sun damage to oil flow and texture. This is used to reinforce the diagnosis of your skin therapist, allowing them to gauge a better understanding of what may be passed down and how to intercept factors that can cause premature ageing.



How can this benefit my skin treatments?


By having an understanding of your genetics, we can customise your treatments to target factors that may not be currently visible on the surface. We all know prevention is better than treatment and this is applicable to your skin too! This allows for a personalised treatment plan, ensuring the best possible long-term results.


What about skincare?


It is also important to use skincare that works synergically with your skin. Medical Aesthetic stocks a large range of cosmeceutical products, which contain formulations to replicate the functions of your skin when it is at its healthiest.

This includes the use of active ingredients, antioxidants and natural plant extracts to strengthen, protect against UV and free radical damage and repair existing damage.

The result? Bright, healthy, beautiful skin!


Want to know more?

If you want to learn how to prevent the signs of ageing (and look 10 years younger than your Mum does at her age!), book a complimentary skin consultation at MALC here.

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